About My Writing

My work has been published through Haunted MTL & Nat 1 Publishing as well as Art Saint Louis’ Art Dialogue blog, Black Spot Books, Carnage House, Choeofpleirn Press, Day de Dada, Degenerate Art, Dusie Press Kollektiv, Every Day Fiction, Haunted Waters Press, Infinity’s Kitchen, the Kaidenkai podcast, Limit Experience Journal, Litro Lab Podcast, Lyrical Somerville, Milk & Cake Press, Mob-Handed Press, mOnacle Lash, Muse-Pie Press, new words {press}, Other Worldly Women Press, Seeding the Snow, SloFloPoJo YouTube channel, Three Rooms Press, Wingless Dreamer, the Women’s Caucus for Art, and Writers Workout and has also appeared in numerous standalone projects, university journals, and zines.

As many publishers and readers want to get to know the person behind the work, here’s a little bit more about me: I am an avid art collector and enjoy playing board and role-playing games, junk store thrifting, and mail art. My spirit animal is the deer, though if I were a dog I’d be a Beagle.  My favorite foods are unagi don or broiled calamari steak and frosting with or without cake.


It Was Not Death, for I Stood Up photo shoot with faux skeleton

Haunted MTL

I am a regular contributor for Haunted MTL generating creative content as well as the occasional interview, memoir, and review. I post mainly artwork, poetry, short stories, and some videos.

I have reviewed several board games and have contributed to their Lighter than Dark series with faux advertisements and articles.  I started a segment on Nightmarish Nature reflecting on the world around us and its diverse denizens, from flora to fauna and beyond.

Most of my content posts on Sundays, and you can read along on the website here. 

Spider Sheriff and Saloon Girl illustrations for Weird Weird West anthology, 2024

Nat1 Publishing

I am a writer and illustrator through Nat 1 Publishing, also serving as a Non-Voting Member of the Board.

My writing has been published in fantasy and horror themes including poetry and alternative pieces, as well as erotica published under my alternate identity horrorotica writer Penny Blood.

Here is a link to the blog devoted to my Witch Hayzelle infomercial mogul persona as featured in my solo chapbook series, Witch Hayzelle’s Recipes for Disaster (which can be found among my books on the bottom of my writing page here).  The blog features photos of recipes from the books as well as fun reader / audience participatory projects.