
Although I had previously been published for art discourse & reviews, performance scores, and poetry, I began writing in earnest in 2020 during Covid, when my Fording the Styx story appeared in 101 Proof Horror.  Nowadays, I mostly write horror, RPG styled fantasy & speculative fiction, poetry, and the occasional memoir or review.  And every so often, I’ll cough up a performance score for old time’s sake.

As with my art, I like to push against traditional methods & structures in my writing, often bringing voice to my ideas through alternative forms and meta pieces that engage the reader in different ways.  I have written fictional stories as help-wanted ads, news articles, and complaint & resignation letters.  I have formed poems & social commentary in the guise of recipes, signs, pamphlets, and the like.  I have penned reviews as monologues and serial hero’s journey sagas.  And I have used intentional misspellings & grammatical errors as commentary on how we interact in person & online, as well as a myriad of other explorations.  Essentially, anything and everything is fair game in my book, literally.

Residue photograph of bulletin board wall with tattered remains of flyers as taken in Columbia MO

About My Writing

A Poem handwritten verse

To Read